Creative Writing 1 | Page 5

At sectionals I was seeded third, behind the two kids who had beat me at conference. My first match was against the kid who barely beat me to get second. When I stepped on the mat I knew this is where all the hard work is going to pay off. I wrestled a great hard match but ended up loosing by two points. Right after sectionals I wasn’t to upset that I was done for the season. It really hit me hard that I was down wrestling for the year when I saw my good friend and practice partner wrestling at districts. I made a promise right then and there that I would work hard next year and during the offseason.

I lifted weights and did other sports to stay in shape during the summer and fall. When wrestling practice started I didn’t skip a single optional practice and I always gave one hundred percent at practice to get better. I would often stay late to get a little extra practice and some extra running in. I kept working hard all my up to sectionals, and my hard work paid off at sectionals. I placed second at sectionals and was advancing on to districts.