Creative Writing 1 | Page 18

Three days into the trip when Mr. Martinez was finally starting to settle down, when he received a phone call from his brother who also lived in Kintalou saying that an American fighter plane had just dropped a bomb very close to their country. Mr. Martinez said not to worry they were leaving now to return from their fishing trip.

As soon as Zach and Lebron got back to Kintalou another American fighter plane dropped another bomb, which landed about a mile away from Kintalou. Lebron was scared for president Martinez and ordered him to wait on the boat. Lebron had taken one step off the boat when the bomb that was dropped exploded. The explosion was under water so it ended up causing a giant flood to come rushing towards Kintalou. Lebron ran back one the ship and ordered the president to stay inside and hold on. The giant flood came and pushed the boat as it destroyed all of Kintalou. Lebron navigated the ship while the flood kept pushing the boat. When the flood stopped pushing the boat they back to see what was left of Kintalou, but nothing was there. Their small country was destroyed and all their friends were gone.

Lebron and Zach lived on that boat for two years after the flood. They were stuck in their boat out in the big blue water. They entertained themselves by watching squids and whales swim past, they survived off canned food and the fish they caught. They would swim with the fish for exercise, and even once in a while they would grab onto and ride a dolphin for fun. Life got boring though with only the water around you. They both fish they could eat more then just fish, because the taste was getting old to them, but their was no way to get food out in the ocean. Lebron often brought up the idea of going to the United States and starting a new life there, but Zach always rejected that idea. It was true it was boring out here with nothing around except more water, but Zach could never go to the United States after what they did to his country and his people.