Creative Writing 1 | Page 17

Short Story

The Adventure of Zach Martinez

Once upon a time there was a man named Zach Martinez, who stood four-foot elven inches tall, he weighed one hundred and twelve pounds. He was a very powerful man even though he was so small, because he was the president of the country of Kintalou. Zach was a very powerful president but yet everyone liked him and no one tried running against him for control of the small country. Kintalou was a very small country out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Kintalou never bothered other countries so most countries never messed with Kintalou.

One day the president of the United States of America, who at the time was Kevin Hart, visited Kintalou to play golf with Zach Martinez. After eighteen holes and a very elegant lunch Kevin Hart offered to start an alliance, but Zach Martinez had no reason to start an alliance when no one bothered his small country. Kevin Hart was enraged when Zach Martinez declined his offered and warned Mr. Martinez it was a big mistake and asked one last time if he would accept the alliance. Mr. Martinez stroked his well-trimmed mustache for a couple seconds, then stopped and yet again declined the offer. When President Hart was boarding his helicopter he yelled to President Martinez that this was a big mistake if a war were to ever break out.

The next couple of days went by slowly and President Martinez kept thinking about the offer he had declined. Zach asked his best friend and vice-president Lebron James if he had made the right decision. Lebron told him he would have accepted the offer but that the country will be fine on their own. President Martinez agreed and knew they would be okay.

A month after Martinez turned down the alliance The United States went to war with Madagascar. President Martinez remembered the warning of the United States President Kevin Hart and started to get worried, so to clear his mind he decided he would go on a fishing trip with just him and Lebron. So they sent off with all their gear for their two-week long fishing trip.