Creative Steps to a Siimple Life Summer Issue June 2014 | Page 2


This word has a different meaning to me,

in how I apply it to life and home.

The act of living SIMPLE shouldn't mean that

we have to get rid of all of our belongings,

or that our homes or meals have to be plain & boring .

I believe with creative ingenuity we can

cook beautiful meals, decorate our spaces.

and still be SIMPLE.

The process of achieving that kind of SIMPLE is

We hope the ideas & projects within this magazine

will inspire you to achieve Simple in your home & Life.

per the dictionary:

sim·ple [sim-puhl] adjective, sim·pler, sim·plest.

plain: not ornate or luxurious; unadorned: modest

: not complicated

1 organizing our belongings to clear clutter,

2 preparing food with practical ingredients to

achieve tasteful & beautiful sit down meals

3 recreate our spaces with items we already have

instead of going in debt for new items.