Creative Sacred Living Magazine Summer Solstice 2015 | Page 35

So how does one go about reclaiming one's Life Force Energy through their Authentic Self?

According to Dr. Arrizza, in order to reclaim one's life force energy one must recognize what is progressively draining it in the first place. Vital force energy gets drained by negative or stressful memories that have accumulated and been stored in the mind and body at a conscious and unconscious level. Arrizza states that "memories that you assume and accept must remain there for the rest of your so-called life because of the belief that 'the past cannot be changed'".

Before MRP when I remembered any one of the many negative memories in my life, I automatically felt drained and depleted which affected my life force energy. What the Mind Resonance ProcessĀ® provided was a means for regaining my powerful authentic self that I have rights to as a Divine Human Being.

What does MRP involve?

MRP involves a simple question and answer process that helps you become more consciously aware of and permanently erase deeply buried false beliefs that anchor other limiting negative thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions and behaviors into one's unconscious mind, body and energy field. According to its founder, Dr. Arrizza:

"Life Force Energy is essentially the energy that gives your mind and body life, the capacity to function, their optimal structural integrity and their form. It is also what is responsible for and imbued with many of the positive qualities many search for during their lives and often feel deficient in, i.e. self esteem, self confidence, self worth, inner peace, inner strength, resilience, energy, courage, a feeling of wellness, a focused and positive mind, the ability to discern, inner truth and knowing, a sense of purpose, passion for life, clarity, creative abilities, charisma, attractiveness, and so on. As one goes through their life they experience negative events that then become stored in the mind/body or energy field as memories of those events".

These memories act as what Arrizza calls "Life Energy Parasites" that serve to deplete one's Life Force Energy from their energy field. This leaves one feeling deficient of all of the necessary positive qualities their Life Force Energy affords them.

One issue I've been struggling with is the absence of financial abundance in my life. It was my experience that these "energy parasites" would not only encourage my feeling of lack of abundance, but would also haunt me in my dreams in the form of nightmares where I would wake up feeling depleted and scared. The feeling that I didn't deserve abundance has been a common theme throughout my childhood and adult life. So what can one do about negative memories if one can't change the past?

According to Dr. Arrizza, the past can in fact "be changed" or rather completely erased! This implies completely releasing these life force energy parasites which are essentially holographic viruses that reside within your life force field and deplete (i.e. feed) off of you!

I held the false belief that "I don't deserve financial abundance in my life". Whereas a true belief should make me feel the core emotions of love and affection, happiness and peace, secure and safe, and give me strong self-esteem and high self worth; instead, this false belief acted as the catalyst for the very experience I wish to avoid - a lack of financial abundance. The false belief of "I don't deserve financial abundance in my life" is actually life depleting. It created conditioned emotions. In truth, this false belief made me feel small and defenseless, angry and tearful, disempowered and weak, crippling and shallow.

In order to avoid falling back into the same conditioned response when life poses financial challenges, I use an MRP algorithm to release this false belief from my bio-field. Tapping into my Devine Self, I make the following two statements:

1) It is my desire to purge the belief that "I do not deserve financial abundance" from my bio-field now and forever. This is so powerful that just thinking it makes my heart sing. Saying it aloud is even more powerful as it

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