Creative Sacred Living Magazine Summer Solstice 2015 | Page 34

Living My Authentic Life Through the Mind Resonance Process

Living an authentic life starts with heart centered consciousness. Heart Centered Consciousness is the door that leads to the Divine Holographic Energy Field. Without Heart Centered Consciousness one cannot access the portal to the vital energy needed for survival, peace and happiness. Complete awareness of the heart is the first step to embracing one's authentic self. A monumental shift occurred in my life when I embraced my authentic self while applying a personal development tool known as the Mind Resonance ProcessĀ®. The Mind Resonance ProcessĀ® (MRP) was designed by Nick Arrizza M.D., a former medical doctor and psychiatrist. It is a powerful tool that helps build self esteem, self confidence, self worth, inner peace, and a focused and positive mind. It also promotes a sense of wellness, a passion for life, an awareness of one's true sense of purpose - a personal sense of empowerment, joy and contentment for life, leadership capabilities, creative abilities, enhanced motivation and enthusiasm, emotional awareness and inner knowing - thus providing a connection to the Divine and an ability to remember and effortlessly express one's true authentic self.

Being Fully Aware

Being fully aware comes from living a life emerged within the authentic self. The term "Authentic Self" is defined as embracing the essence of who a person truly is. In other words, accepting one's self without judgment, without blame, without fault and being able to embrace one's talents, beauty, and the authenticity of one's inner and outer being. Through implementing the Mind Resonance ProcessĀ®, I was able to regain my authentic self. I realized that my authentic self is a state of being, a state of knowing and a state of ultimate consciousness that is both powerful and gentle at the same time. When I'm living my authentic life I am feeling calm, centered, empowered, light, grounded, all-knowing, objective, peaceful and worry-free.

So how can living one's Authentic Self accomplish all these wonderful attributes?

Realigning with the Authentic Self created awareness in my unconscious mind. It brought about a working connection between my conscious and unconscious mental states. Once I become aware of the natural rhythm of my heart on every level - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - I knew that I was in harmonic resonance with the Divine Holographic Energy Field. I knew this because I felt good, and I felt comfortable and I felt peaceful. These feelings were much more than emotions I normally felt, they were feelings of stirring consciousness and a connection with the Divine as well as a sense of profound peace and well being.

The difference between core emotions and conditioned emotions is that conditioned emotions are brought on by emotional trauma and core emotions are innate to our Devine Self. Examples of conditioned emotions are: fear, envy, jealousy, resentment, skepticism, victimization, sadness, anger, guilt, disappointment, lack, worry and self-doubt. These emotions arise as protection devices based on false beliefs. On the other hand, core emotions are: love, joy, peace, happiness, contentment, relief, freedom, courage, abundance, fulfillment, self-worth, self-esteem and passion. Humans are born with these emotions. Dr. Arrizza says they are expressed as "a result of the Divine Self reclaiming its rightful place in our physical body".

One specific way to tell the difference between a core emotion and a conditioned emotion is that core emotions make us feel light, peaceful, energetic, free, love, expansiveness and more enlightened, while conditioned emotions drain us, sap our energy, make us feel heavy, unprotected and lower our self-esteem and our self-worth. When I reclaimed my authentic self, I had feelings of joy, contentment, clarity, peace,

empowerment, increased energy and most importantly the feeling of being alive!