For one day can you walk away from the computer, texting, TV, Facebook,
and anything to do with technology? Can you give yourself one day of silence, peace and serenity? Just once a week, once a month or even a
half-hour every day - can you make a date with yourself?
Many people will get overwhelmed with the idea of giving up technology
for one day. We have become so reliable with the computer, cell phones
and Facebook that the thought of giving up these communication outlets makes many frazzled.
Some feel that it is impossible with having a full-time job, kids and family:
the key is baby steps, one minute at a time - a self holiday; A Silent Retreat.
The first day you may find yourself cheating a little, using your phone as we cannot ignore emergencies. Some may feel that they will be bored and will be challenged with “what to do.” You will be surprised if you stay busy and focused, the day will fly by and before you know it your Silence Day will be complete and well deserved to celebrate!
There are many things to do and keep yourself from being on the computer or phone. These moments are about steering away from distractions that interfere with our peace of mind and wanting our time alone is key towards this project. Each day, each morning take something that is blocking you
from being at peace. Re-evaluate your time spent, no time spent: be honest with yourself.
In the morning, make yourself a nice, hearty breakfast. Depending on where you live, take your breakfast outside or treat yourself to breakfast in bed. Enjoy the morning dew, the birds singing, the warmth of the sun and simply relax. Take a camera with you for unexpected things.
Sacred Living
with Teresa Brouwer