• Do chores together . It ’ s true that their little hands will provide little actual help . In fact , their very presence and the millions of questions they may ask may hamper your progress . But it ’ s one of the best investments you could ever make . Compelling research shows that the single common thread linking successful people together was that they did chores growing up . So why not do some chores together ? It may actually redfine quality time to mean that the little work you put in now will save you headache in the future .
• Eat together . Eating is something we all have to do . Even if we can sit down and have one shared meal together a day , engaged in each other ’ s body language and conversations , we ’ d be far ahead of the game by most parents ’ standards . I know many parents who shuffle their kids afterschool from activity to activity and end up eating dinner in the car . Then perhaps it ’ s possible to slow down the mornings and break some bagels together before school starts . Don ’ t feel pressure to have a meaningful conversation either . Just try to enjoy each other ’ s company or simply listen to what your child may or may not have to say .
• Cook together . If only because kids are more prone to eat what they cook . So if your kids are adverse to eating vegetables like most kids , this may be a great way to inspire your child to try new foods . Plus , they ’ d be learning a life skill . •