Creative Child February 2024 | Page 11

Valentine ’ s Day offers a perfect opportunity to not only shower our children with love , but to set in motion a process that will give them the lifelong gift of self-love . If you haven ’ t already introduced affirmations to your children , here are 25 affirmation ideas just for kids .
1 . I am loved . 2 . I believe in me . 3 . I am generous . 4 . I accept and love myself . 5 . I am unique . 6 . I am wonderfully made . 7 . I am creative . 8 . Challenges are opportunities to grow . 9 . Good things happen to me . 10 . I am loving . 11 . I am kind . 12 . I am strong . 13 . I am joyful . 14 . I care about others . 15 . I am important . 16 . I like myself . 17 . It ’ s going to be a great day . 18 . I learn from my mistakes . 19 . I make friends easily . 20 . I am worthy . 21 . I am open to new experiences . 22 . I am beautiful . 23 . I am energetic . 24 . I am deserving of good things . 25 . I am grateful .