Creative Child February 2024 | Page 10

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One study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience discovered that , “ when threatened , self-affirmations can restore selfcompetence by allowing individuals to reflect on sources of selfworth .”
The list goes on . Other studies2 concluded that self-affirmations increase self-compassion and pro-social behaviors , buffers against threats to self , improves self-esteem , and much more . As you can see , the science is clear . Self-affirmations have incredible benefits !
If you ’ ve ever tried to start a practice of self-affirmations as an adult , you know how difficult it can be to rewire your brain . But because the brain is growing and changing so remarkably during childhood , positive affirmations are even more powerful for children and can help them wire their brains toward positivity and optimism .
From birth to age 5 , the brain develops rapidly - more so than at any other time in life . However , it continues to develop and change until roughly age 25 , with another major period of pruning and development in adolescence . Using affirmations during childhood creates neural pathways in the brain , wiring your child with more confidence , self-worth , and resilience .
While it is important that parents love and encourage their children , it is equally - if not more - important that children learn how to love and encourage themselves . Peggy O ’ Mara said , “ The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice .” When you speak affirming words to your children , eventually these will take root and become what they believe about themselves . Children also need to become comfortable saying positive affirmations to themselves so that , in the absence of a parental voice , they are still wrapped in love .