Creative Child August 2019 | Page 17

TM “We enjoy the ability to have a lesson with a professional without having to get up and get all the kids out the door to make a lesson on time!” — Amy H. (Ohio, USA) A couple of years ago, we found Gentle Guitar™. It’s an online guitar school for kids where guitar lessons are done via Skype. I love that I don’t have to load up all 5 of our kids and go sit in the car while one child is in a lesson. I was a little apprehensive about how lessons would go via Skype but I was pleasantly surprised when we had our first lesson. Our teacher was observant, even through video, and made sure she could see posture and she was quick to make sure the playing technique was correct from the start. People are amazed when they find out that we attend lessons through Skype, but it’s such a wonderful way to learn. And because I sit in on the lesson, I’m actually learning as well! If a family is looking for music lessons, there’s no reason not to give online lessons a try. It’s effective and convenient. Gentle Guitar™ specializes in ‘interactive’ online guitar lessons for kids. They publish their own method and teach the lessons all over the world on Skype. They offer a free trial lesson with a live teacher, so if you have a child eager to play music, you can try and see for yourself! You can read reviews and testimonials and book a free trial lesson on 16