Online Music Lessons
nline music lessons are a growing trend. Just do a google search
for “online music lessons,” and you’ll get pages of listings for
nearly every instrument. But are online music lessons as effective
as those delivered face-to-face?
At first I was wary because the online lessons that I was familiar with
were the kind that involved pre-recorded video and no student-teacher
interaction. How can a child learn if a teacher is not there to help?
Here’s the truth, online music lessons are not like that anymore. You can
now get online music lessons that are interactive. In other words, a child
and a parent ‘meet’ with a live teacher using a Skype video conference call.
You can have private music lessons without leaving home! That means a
30 minute lesson, literally takes 30 minutes. No driving or waiting in the
car, it saves so much time. These interactive online lessons are growing in
popularity because it’s convenient and they work amazingly well!