Creating Impact @ UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture 102022_918918787_ADA_Creating_Impact_Stories_A5_booklet_v12 | Page 16

Creativity , technology and culture

Advancing structural change in regional art museums with and by culturally and linguistically diverse art communities

More on this story
The problem
The 2018 Diversity Arts Australia report , Shifting the Balance , identified exceedingly low levels of representation of art workers from non-Anglo and culturally and linguistically diverse ( CaLD ) backgrounds in Australian cultural institutions , including art galleries and museums .
Our solution
Rather than simply representing CaLD artists in exhibitions or public programs , we need to advance structural change in museums , says Dr Verónica Tello from UNSW ’ s School of Art & Design . Verónica Tello is a Chilean-Australian art historian and writer who focuses on transnationalism in / out of the Pacific , Latin America and Australia .
She is collaborating with the Murray Albury Museum of Art ( MAMA ), leading art and cultural studies academics , and a new generation of non-Anglo / CaLD curators and writers to analyse how racism pervades museum operations . MAMA is located in a settlement city , Albury-Wodonga , with an increasing population of CaLD migrant and refugee communities .
Grappling with both the low representation of CaLD cultural leaders in museums and the growing number of CaLD communities in regional Australia , the project is working with MAMA to make it accountable to diversity . It moves away from the common method of ‘ diversifying ’ museums via displays or audience development to ask how curating museum operations more broadly can redress structural racism .
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Group portrait of Parallel Curatorial Fellows at MAMA ( L-R ): Tian Zhang , Kelly “ Lovemonster ” Dezart- Smith , Lana Kate Nguyen , Ruha Fifita and Evgenia Anagnostopoulou ( absent : Sebastian Henry-Jones ). Photo : Jeremy Weihrauch , 2022 .