Crazy Stupid Love 1 | Page 19

I can’t stand before you and say I know what next year will look like. Next hour now is still a big question mark. I can tell you how my perfect senior year would go. Nothing ends up quite right in anybody’s life, and I have certainly been no exception. I have had a lot of screw-ups and fumbles. Sometimes it wasn’t even me who did anything, the actions of others messed me up. Here is how my perfect world would go without those people to mess me up.

I would start school in August happy and well toned from the summer. I would have a closet full of new clothes and shoes. I would look put together everyday. I would have really good grades in all my classes. I will graduate and not shed a single tear because I am too graceful for that. That perfect world will not exist.

My year will consist of me jumping over hurdles like I always have to. I will struggle with some classes and others I will go above and beyond expectations. I know I won’t have to deal with math class. I have never been good with math. I refused to take it even though Mr. Clark says it would be very beneficial if I did. I know where my skills lie, and math is not one of them. I hate that subject with a passion.

I will own my history classes. I am taking as many history related classes as I can. I love history. It is so easy for me to loose myself in the grandeur of it all. There are just so many possibilities that I could never get bored. There is always more information that is found. There is no way to know everything that happened because there are so many viewpoints and opinions to consider. That is what is so exciting to me, those endless possibilities.

I wish I could say that I loved grammar classes, but I don’t. I don’t mind writing or reading, I actually love that stuff, I just hate going through verbs and possessive phrases and that kind of thing. It’s tedious and that portion of English I don’t care for much. It takes the emotion out of it and makes it work instead of free flowing writing/reading.

I know next year isn’t going to be the easiest, but with my friends and my crazy way of handling things, I can get through it with flying colors. It is going to be so hard to say goodbye to all of the teachers. You all have been my support through all the years. It is going to be so hard to let all of you go. I will be emotional a lot throughout next year. I can just see it.