On any given day as we create our ideas,
jot down our notes, save pictures, read
magazines and see all the beautiful creations
others create, have you ever asked yourself,
“Why isn’t that me in those articles, selling at
the shows, being asked to teach my skill?”
– BE YOU –
Create for your enjoyment and no one else’s.
Let those colors of your imagination shine in
all you do! We all don’t see color, texture or
pattern the same way, thank goodness for
that!! When you allow yourself the freedom to
Have you worked at your craft for a long create with no rules, uncertainty or whimsy
time, only to see less experienced artists pass if you will, what wonderful creations can you
you by with their seemingly effortless ability come up with?
to get noticed? It’s all too common that we
will all feel these emotions at some point in Pat yourself on the back for achieving what
our creative endeavors. We may feel angry, many can’t! All hobbies take endurance, time,
frustrated, depressed or even want to give up patience and passion. Rare is the person
our desired skill. For many of us faced with that can bring all those skills together into
these emotions, it’s not easy to just brush one package right away!! Don’t be too hard
them aside. Even after years of dealing with on yourself. Michelangelo painted The
this rejection, a part of us feels resentment in Sistine Chapel over a period of four
years, and it’s said that he did it on just
some small way, and this is normal.
bread and wine. But imagine what he
But how do we rise above these events in our could have done on just bread alone!
crafting pursuit? How do we finally, once and The point is if you are expecting to
for all come to complete and total acceptance see immediate results, be realistic.
of our own abilities and really be happy for
our fellow artists, happy with our own results
and have the willingness to find the next
awesome idea?
When in the moment of such self doubt, one
should always remember a few things. The
first and most important thing to remember
is your skill as an artist is not dependent on
what others think of your work!!! You create
because it is your muse, your energy, and
your passion. If you do get noticed it’s because
someone can see that passion loud and clear
and has taken notice!!! Which leads to the
second most important point to remember as
an artist: