Crafting a Lifestyle Oct.2013 | Page 17

Cute Miniature Bear For the Body Pin the fabric right sides together. Back stitch all the way around, leaving the opening. Turn right way through the opening and stuff firmly. Over sew the opening. Now attach the head to the body. It is best to pin the head into position then sew the head to the body. When the head is secure fasten off. The arms and legs For each arm and leg pin right sides together and back stitch all around leaving the opening. Turn the right way. This can sometimes be tricky if you are having trouble turning the right way you can use a small pair of tweezers to help pull the arm or leg through. Stuff firmly and over sew the opening. Attach the arm and legs using the same method, So that the limbs are movable. Start with arms. Pin both the arms to the sides of the teddy making sure that they are level. Using the thread doubled sew through one arm, through the body then through and out of the other arm. Now go back through the arm you have just came out of, than back through the body then through and out the second arm. Continue a few more times, until the arms are secure but moveable. Repeat this process with the legs. For the cape (optional) Using felt cut out the cape from the pattern. Wrap the cape around the bear. It is up to you whether you want the collar up or down. Pin in place then when you are happy with the style and position, use a few stitches to catch the cape to the bear at the neck edge. Why not make a whole collection and give them out to the trick or treaters instead of sweets.