CRACKYL Magazine Issue No. 12 (Winter 2024) | Page 27









If you ’ re looking for a specific eating plan to improve sperm quality , the Mediterranean diet may be it . This diet is high in polyunsaturated fats and low in saturated fats , which can negatively impact sperm quality . Try to keep saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of your calories – not much in a typical firefighter diet . To cut back on saturated fat , opt for leaner cuts of meat or reduce animal protein overall . Limit sweets and baked goods to one per day .
Omega-3s can improve oxidative damage and boost overall sperm quality . Omega-3-rich foods include salmon , herring , tuna and seafood , so consider replacing fattier cuts of red meat with fish or seafood . Mono-unsaturated fats support male fertility , so opt for olive oils , nuts , seeds and avocados .
Antioxidants and polyphenols from food are protective and can help improve male fertility . These nutrients are found in fruits and vegetables , which are also a staple in the Mediterranean diet . Research suggests a higher intake of fruits , veggies and whole grains improves sperm motility and concentration .
Nutrition for female fertility includes everything mentioned for male fertility as well as some other specific tips . If you have been using oral contraceptives ( the pill ), start a prenatal vitamin once you stop . Prenatal vitamins emphasize folic acid , a B vitamin that is essential for neural tube development in the first few weeks of pregnancy .
If you were vitamin D deficient at your last physical , correct this under your physician ’ s supervision . Usually , the correction will include supplementation of 1,500-2,000 of vitamin D3 . Improving vitamin D deficiency may be linked to higher rates of fertilization . Other deficiencies that may require correcting are iron and B12 deficiency . If you have a history of iron deficiency , correcting it will likely help with fertility .
High caffeine intake is associated with increasing time to achieve pregnancy and an increased risk of pregnancy loss . Limit caffeine to under 200 mg daily once you start trying . This is the equivalent of 16 to 20 ounces of coffee in total . Energy and pre-workout drinks are not recommended .
Reducing alcohol intake may improve semen quality . Alcohol reduces semen quality , and heavy , regular drinking can impact sperm motility and morphology . Heavy drinking can add up faster than you think , especially when you measure the typical serving size of alcohol . One serving of alcohol is a 12-ounce beer , a 5-ounce glass of wine or 1.5-ounce shot of 80 proof ( 40 %) liquor . The goal for men is to limit alcohol to under two drinks per day , or under 14 drinks per week . When trying to conceive , measure your alcohol and cut back in general .







It ’ s important to know that firefighters have an increased risk of infertility . Exposure to extreme heat , sustained high temperatures , toxins , emotional stress and even sleep deprivation can impact the ability to conceive or see a pregnancy to full term .
One study of Danish firefighters found an increased risk for male-factor infertility when compared with a random sample of non-firefighter employees . Another study suggested that female firefighters are at an increased risk of miscarriage , with a higher risk in volunteer firefighters relative to career .
Another part of fertility nutrition for firefighters is reducing exposure to toxins . A big part of this is , of course , a general decon after fire-related calls and showering within the hour . Wearing SCBA for overhaul and food-on-the-stove calls might not be cool , but it can reduce your exposure to toxins . What reduces your risk for cancer likely reduces the risk for infertility . The International Association of Fire Chiefs has several free posters under " Cancer Prevention Resources " to help optimize decon .
On a food-related note , avoid touching food directly on the fireground . Use the wrapper as a barrier to reduce exposure even after washing your hands . Avoid putting sports drink bottles and other plastic containers in your bunker gear while knocking down a fire . Heating plastic may release BPA ( bisphenol A ), a chemical that can cause hormone disruption and reproductive harm . Switching to glass or metal containers overall may be wise if you plan to conceive .
Research on firefighter fertility is limited and unfortunately , many factors impacting fertility may be out of a firefighter ' s control . Fortunately , what you eat is a factor you can control completely .
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