Issue No. 10 of CRACKYL - a firefighter magazine for the lifestyle and health of firefighters. | Page 14

The National Firefighter Registry ( NFR ) for Cancer is the largest effort ever undertaken to understand and reduce the risk of cancer among U . S . firefighters . The NFR is open to all U . S . firefighters , not just those with a previous diagnosis of cancer . Having many types of firefighters join the NFR is crucial to examining relationships between firefighter activities and cancer . NIOSH ( National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health ) encourages all firefighters to participate in the NFR .
Firefighters have heroes too . But they ’ re not the typical caped crusaders with superhuman abilities . These heroes are the doctors and scientists who work tirelessly to ensure that we can do our job safely while avoiding health risks . These experts often go unrecognized , but their contributions are crucial to our success .
Whether it is the design of our stations , the food we eat , the gear we wear , or the equipment we wield , it ' s time we acknowledge and appreciate them for all they do for us . Firefighters are often guilty of resisting change , but when it comes to our health and safety , the obvious cannot be ignored - without those two things , we cannot be firefighters .
Let ' s do our part by participating in the surveys and studies that are working to help find solutions to the external factors that affect our well-being , and ultimately , our happiness and success .
Enjoy !
By joining the NFR you are helping to protect your brother and sister firefighters from developing cancer , helping to lessen the impact of cancer on firefighters ’ families and friends , paving the way for new health and safety measures to keep the next generation of firefighters safe , and improving the understanding of cancer risk among minority , female , and volunteer firefighters , as well as groups like wildland firefighters .
The inspiration behind the name CRACKYL comes from a feeling firefighters experience in the middle of a structure fire when a sudden calm comes over you and you hear a fire crackling all around a smoke-filled room , but can ’ t see it . The sound of a fire crackling is imprinted on every firefighter ’ s mind , and it roots us in this exhilarating and unpredictable profession . We want CRACKYL to become a sounding board for firefighters throughout their careers .
Firefighters are notorious for sitting around the firehouse , discussing their problems and offering advice . But the truth is , many of us don ’ t have the answers . We don ’ t know why we all fight about the same problems with our partners , never seem to have enough money left at the end of the month , and just can ’ t get along with the co-workers who are the most like us . At CRACKYL , we want to be the firefighter in the station who has a lot of those answers and provides accurate , practical , and life-changing solutions to the problems we all face .