CRA Today Winter Issue 2024 | Page 22

With many vendors cutting back their sales force , not all reps can make it to every store . The show is a time where you can meet face to face , discuss how your rep can help you get the best deals and see the best sellers and new items . And yes , we can purchase online and through catalogs , but nothing can replace seeing and feeling the product in person and making sure it ’ s what you envisioned and what your customers are looking for . In fact , isn ’ t that why your customers shop in your brickand-mortar store rather than online ?

The best way to ensure you are fully stocked is to order it at CPE

Instant gratification . I want what I want when I want it . Your store provides that . No online store can compete with you in this realm . A customer can come in and get whatever they need that minute . That is a huge benefit only you can provide . But don ’ t miss out ! If you don ’ t have that product available and you have to order it , you ’ re doing your customer a disservice because they can go home and order it online themselves . The best way to ensure you are fully stocked is to order it at CPE . This way you are the first to receive it when the vendor is ready and you don ’ t have to worry about them being out of stock by the time you place your order .
If you ’ re a seasoned veteran and have a larger store , I know you may be thinking , Reps come to my store and I order regularly , so I ’ m good . That ’ s wonderful ! And now it ’ s time to disciple those up-and-coming stores to help them learn the ropes and succeed or help guide those smaller stores on what you did when you were their size and how you got to where you are today . Our industry is smaller than it was 10 years ago , and there is room for everyone . It is our desire that new stores spring up nationwide so we can expand our reach together as a light in our communities and thus our country . We don ’ t want these new stores or smaller stores to struggle , and just maybe you ’ re needed at the show to guide others .
This goes for vendors as well . We have heard countless stories of vendors just making an off the cuff comment to a fellow vendor and it has led to a new job opportunity , company buyout or a new sales revenue stream . Stores are bombarded with vendors trying to tell them their product is the best . You want to be at the show to prove that to them , to show stores that you support them .
CPE is the show that pays you to attend . You ’ re going to place orders for inventory for your stores . If you place them at CPE , you ’ re also going to receive free meals , two free nights at a hotel and up to $ 250 in cash to help with your travel expenses if you are a CRA ( Christian Retail Association ) member . ( By joining CRA and paying your annual dues , you will make your money back just by attending a CPE show .) I don ’ t know any other organization that does this to help their members grow their businesses . We do this because we believe it is that important for our community to get together as a body of believers and encourage each other and support our businesses . Vendors pay to exhibit so that