Radon: You will have 118 bunnies that arrived in just
6 months?
Me: Yes. We currently have over 150 bunnies here and we have had almost that many adoptions so far this year so,
and we have had to turn away nearly 100 bunnies because we don’t have space for them.So, our next naming theme will need to have more than 150 members.
Radon: I guess I was lucky to get in…it is pretty nice here… if people want to help us, what can they do?
Hunter Hollow is an all volunteers, 501 c3 organization. The adoption fees cover the cost of the spays/ neuters and the vaccinations, but everything else is paid for through donations. Donations can be sent directly to us or can be made through our Facebook page or our website: www.HunterHollow.org.
One way everyone can help all bunny rescues is to encourage people adopt rather than shopping for a bunny, spaying and neutering all pet rabbits and never having more than one un-spayed or neutered bunny in a household.
Radon: I guess I was lucky to get in…it is pretty nice here… if people want to help us, what can they do?
Hunter Hollow is an all volunteers, 501 c3 organization. The adoption fees cover the cost of the spays/ neuters and the vaccinations, but everything else is paid for through donations. Donations can be sent directly to us or can be made through our Facebook page or our website: www.HunterHollow.org.
One way everyone can help all bunny rescues is to encourage people adopt rather than shopping for a bunny, spaying and neutering all pet rabbits and never having more than
one un-spayed or neutered bunny in a household.