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An initiative of the Lung Ambition Alliance
Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer : a toolbox for change
Home » Our work » Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer : a toolbox for change
This report presents practical and evidence-based tools to support the development and implementation of an early detection strategy for lung cancer . It explores both existing and emerging approaches to early detection , as well as proposing key policy recommendations to inform this strategy development .
Most people with lung cancer currently receive a diagnosis at an advanced stage ; this contributes to lung cancer ' s status as the leading cause of cancer mortality . Earlier detection offers a unique opportunity to shift diagnosis to an earlier stage , and consequently plays a vital role in improving survival by increasing treatment options such as curative surgery .
While targeted screening of people at high risk of lung cancer using low-dose computed tomography ( LDCT ) is the most effective means of detecting lung cancer at an earlier stage , there are also alternative approaches available . For these approaches to be effective , they should be designed to complement one another as part of a comprehensive strategy for early detection . They should also be developed in the context of local epidemiology , health system capacity and available resources .
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This work has been informed by an extensive review of existing literature and consultation with a wide variety of global experts and Network members . The report proposes a series of recommended actions for health system leaders on key areas such as performing an assessment of capacity , utilising technology and engaging with high-risk communities .
Through this report , we aim to support national decision-makers in making earlier detection an integral feature of cancer control plans . The report offers the tools needed to start taking ambitious steps towards implementing feasible strategies that best serve the differing needs of populations across the globe , and that will ultimately save lives .
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' Earlier detection and diagnosis are paramount to reducing the burden of lung cancer - they can increase the range of treatment options available to people with the disease which is strongly associated with improved long-term survival and quality of life .'