have adequate knowledge , positive attitudes , and willingness to promote awareness of breast cancer and breast cancer screening actively .
The role of oncology pharmacists in cancer care has been expanding over the years . They have been involved in the care of cancer patients for over 50 years and continue to play a vital role in various aspects of cancer management . In the case of lung cancer , the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for public awareness campaigns to promote early diagnosis and recovery .
To improve Pharmacists ' involvement in lung cancer awareness programs , efforts should be made to improve community pharmacists ' knowledge of cancer through continuous education . Aside from continuous learning and offering these awareness services in community Pharmacies , they can also collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organisations to organize outreach programs and educate on a larger scale .
It is worth mentioning that pharmacists have been recognized for their role in early detection , monitoring , management , and prevention of adverse drug reactions following cancer therapy . They also play a crucial role in lung cancer awareness programs . They provide valuable information and education to patients and their families , and participate in cancer screening initiatives . Despite some challenges and the need for continuous education , pharmacists are well-positioned to impact lung cancer awareness and management positively .
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