Written by : Pharm . Blessing Abai Sunday , Uyo , Akwa Ibom State , Nigeria , October 2023
Pharmacists play a crucial role in raising awareness about lung cancer through their involvement in various programs and initiatives . They serve as health consultants and provide patients and their families with valuable information about cancer diagnosis , treatment , and prevention .
One study highlighted the benefit of a pharmacist-led oral anticancer clinic , specifically focused on lung cancer , in an Australian public health service . This demonstrates the potential for pharmacists to play a significant role in lung cancer awareness and management .
How can Pharmacists get involved in Lung Cancer Awareness and Management Programmes ?
Let us start with the community Pharmacies . The presence of educational materials in community pharmacies is beneficial in increasing public awareness . In lung cancer , several small-scale pilots have found that pharmacist integration into lung cancer referral pathways is feasible and acceptable , resulting in high-quality referrals . Additionally , community pharmacists can contribute to the early detection and prevention of cancer through their involvement in cancer screening programmes .
In hospitals , lung cancer patients require complex medication regimens . Through collaborative care , Pharmacists can work closely with other healthcare professionals , such as oncologists , to provide comprehensive care to lung cancer patients . They can participate in multidisciplinary teams to ensure optimal treatment and symptom management . Pharmacists are key in ensuring proper medication management , dosage adjustments , and monitoring for potential drug interactions and side effects . They can ensure optimal delivery of pharmaceutical care .
In smoking cessation programmes , Pharmacists can offer counselling on product replacement therapies ( e . g ., nicotine gum or patches ) or prescription medications . They can also assist individuals in developing personalised quit plans .
Pharmacists and Pharmacy students can actively participate in Cancer Awareness Month by organizing or contributing to awareness campaigns , fundraisers , or events . They can help distribute educational materials , wear cancer awareness ribbons , and encourage others to get involved . For example , The Faculty of Pharmacy , University of Uyo , Nigeria , carries out these activities yearly with even a community outreach .
As the last point of contact for patients receiving prescription medications , pharmacists can provide information on the proper use of lung cancer medications , potential side effects , and the importance of adherence to treatment plans .
Despite ongoing efforts to improve cancer care , more work is needed to achieve downstaging of the disease and improve access , awareness , and participation in early detection . Public participants have raised concerns about pharmacists ' credentials to discuss lung symptoms and refer them for diagnostic testing . However , previous studies have shown that pharmacists