CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 4: SEPT -- RADON CHILDREN and SCHOOLS | Page 53

Schools Need Radon Testing

Schools Need Radon Testing

January 18th , 2023
Ned Ketyer , M . D .
Every January during National Radon Action Month , the Children ’ s Environmental Health Network reminds us about the importance of testing our homes , schools , and businesses for the colorless , odorless , tasteless , naturally occurring , radioactive gas that seeps into our homes and threatens our health :
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and it is the cause of approximately 21,000 deaths per year in the U . S . The longer you are exposed to radon , the greater your chance of developing radon-related lung cancer . There is no known safe level of radon exposure .
It is produced by the natural break-down of uranium in rock , soil , and water . Some areas of the U . S . have higher levels of uranium than others , and thus , there is a greater chance that buildings in those areas may have higher radon levels . Regardless of location , any building can have a radon problem .
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends radon testing at all buildings , including homes , businesses , child care facilities , and schools . EPA estimates that about 1 in 5 schools in the U . S . has at least one classroom that exceeds the radon
Dr . Ketyer has special interests in developmental pediatrics and preventative medicine , specifically how nutrition and the environment affect health . He earned his bachelor ’ s degree from the University of Vermont and his medical degree from Northwestern University Medical School . He completed his residency at Children ’ s Hospital of Pittsburgh . In 2017 , he retired from patient care but still writes and edits The PediaBlog every day !