CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 4: SEPT -- RADON CHILDREN and SCHOOLS | Page 51

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These ladies MaryAnn, Heather and Andrea have invested their hearts, souls and time to making a difference. MaryAnn has taken the lead on Canadian Lung Cancer Advocacy -Breathe Hope. MaryAnn is the glue for this site, though each has and does give all they can for those who have had lung cancer, come into their lives. You can always see the hand and care of MaryAnn. They do always see eye to eye but then who does.

Each has a message to share!


“I hope also that lung cancer patients across the country will continue to connect in person as there is nothing better than a personal connection. Any get together, small, or large is worth the effort. In the end. We are all people, and we need each other to thrive.


“There is always Hope! Become your own Advocate and if not find someone who will and you can trust”


“If you have lungs, you can have lung cancer”

These are amazing women, and their Facebook page has given additional breathes to so many and will continue to bring it on. Just like the rest of us they each deserve to have their whole story told, this is just a small piece.

Canadian Lung Cancer Advocacy -

Breathe Hope