"Our schools are supposed to be safe places for children to learn and grow. it is our responsibility as citizens to assure this. We routinely, by law, test the drinking water for safety,- remove or contain asbestos, and inspect school kitchens and buildings. How simple it would be to also require radon testing. Radon testing in schools would also provide an opportunity to better educate the public about radon being the second leading cause of lung cancer. As a school administrator I know this would be a simple task to require. As a nonsmoker blind-sided by Stage 4 lung cancer, I know this testing can save lives and health care costs, and educate the public. Our children deserve this."
-- Corinne C. Pert,M.Ed, CAGS. Blue Hill, ME
Jackie Nixon, CR3 Dir. Mktg. donated masks to the
Bethany Presbyterian Church Discipleship Team
"Back to School Drive". Masks were distributed with blessing bags containing back to school supplies to
kids from all over Pittsburgh PA and the Bridgeville PA
Food Bank.
Thank you!
A Shout Out to the Conference of Radiation Contol Program Directors (CRCPD), American Lung Association and all State Radon Programs for making the National and State Radon School calendars possible!