2016 CR3 Participation
January-23-27-ASHI conference San Diego, Calif.–booth
January-National Radon Action Month-TN HB2274 and SB2317 and test kits campaign
February–Continued work with pilot project continuing each month
February–Legislative education on radon awareness, Nashville, TN
March-3-5 Midwest AARST and IL Stakeholders Meeting-Booth-Mini grant
March-8-Radon Stakeholders Meeting Region 7-Nebraska City-Booth
March 13-16 AARST National Winter Board Meeting-Atlanta
March 19–Real Estate Investors Conference-North Canton, OH–booth
March 30–IL poster/video contest judging–Springfield, IL
April 6-7-Region 8 Radon Stakeholders Meeting St. Lake City, Utah-Booth, presentation
April 16- Lung Cancer Connection Walk, St. Louis, Booth
May 3- Region 4 Radon Stakeholders Meeting, Murfreesboro, TN, booth, presentation
May 23-24-Region 9 Stakeholders Meeting, Reno, Nevada, booth, presentation
June 3–First Friday, Canton, OH, booth
June13-16-HUD-NEHA Healthy Homes Conference, San Antonio, TX, booth
June 18–Bridgeville’s Community Day Bridgeville, PA, Booth
June 20-Rotary Club presentation, Jerseyville, IL
June 29-National Radon Action Plan Committee, DC
August 8-11-National Conference of State Legislators, Chicago, IL
August 16–Radon Awareness Act Day, Chesterfield, MO, presentation
September 18-21-International Radon Symposium, San Diego, CA-booth
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