CPABC Industry Update Winter 2014 | Page 4

Industry Snapshot: Small Business* EMPLOYMENT 2% large businesses, are defined by the BC govt as employing 50 people or more. 392,800 98% 82% 56% 43% Total number of businesses in BC in 2012. are small businesses. of these small businesses employ fewer than five employees. are self-employed business operators without paid help. are businesses with some paid help but with fewer than 50 employees (includes incorporated self-employed). 38% 17.17% CREATED The accommodation and food services industry NEW JOBS from 2007-2012 – making it the largest provider of new small business jobs in BC. 4,600 31% Small business provided of all wages paid to workers in BC. of self-employed people in BC are women — the highest rate in Canada. increase in the number of people employed by small businesses from 2001-2012 SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS accounted for number of people employed by small businesses in BC in 2012 (includes self-employed with no paid help). ONLINE 30% of Canadian small businesses are selling on the web right now. of SMEs don’t even have a website. page 4 of total private-sector employment IN 2012, ONLY 20% | I N D U S T R Y U P D AT E 22% $3.0 British Columbians placed 25.6 million BILLION electronic orders valued at $3.0 billion. This is equivalent to 14 separate orders per person and spending averaging $1,668.30 per person.