CPABC Industry Update Winter 2014 | Page 3

Appreciating Small Business WINTER 2014 Small businesses are the lifeblood of British Columbia’s economy. They employ over one million British Columbians and make significant economic contributions. In this issue of CPABC Industry Update we look at BC small businesses, the challenges they face, and how we, as CPAs, can help meet their needs. We hope that the engaging articles will keep members informed about the small business sector. This issue also includes news about the upcoming CPABC Spring Leadership Conference taking place in Vancouver on May 22nd and 23rd. The Conference boasts many practical workshops that will help members push themselves to “do more.” British Columbia’s CA, CGA, and CMA bodies are currently working to unite under the CPA designation, CPABC Industry Update is their online magazine for members, candidates, and students working in industry. About CPABC Industry Update is published online four times a year, and is sent to over 27,000 CA, CGA, and CMA members, candidates, and students in British Columbia. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the ICABC, CGA-BC, or CMABC. Copyright CPABC Industry Update 2014. We are constantly working to meet our members’ needs and are continuing to work to cover relevant topics that industry-based members can use in their businesses or workplaces. We hope you enjoy the Winter 2014 edition of Industry Update and we look forward to hearing your feedback. -  ichard Rees, CPA, FCA, CEO of CPABC and ICABC, R Gordon Ruth, CPA, FCGA, CEO of CGA-BC, and Vinetta Peek, CPA, CMA, CMA (Hon.), President and CEO of CMABC. Contact us Visit us online at, or email [email protected]. Editorial inquiries can be sent to James Eisner, [email protected]. In this Issue Look for these icons throughout Industry Update Click to return to In this Issue (page 3) Click for more details online 6  ecoming Strategic Advisors B in every issue Transitioning Family Businesses 9  12   When to Start Your Succession Plan 4  Industry Snapshot: Small Business 16  Cash flow management for franchisees 14  Opportunities PD 18  it time to change your Is corporate culture? 6 9 12 16 18 WINTER 2014 | page 3