CPA Magazine: Purple & Gold 2023-24 | Page 18

Whether it ’ s math class , impromptu scavenger hunts , or The Wheel of Danger , we desire to show these students that Our God is a God of laughter , a God of joy , a God who sees them and smiles .


n the summer of 2023 , Head of Middle School Dr . Nate Miley and his team sought to weave more spontaneous moments of joy into the fabric of middle school student life . And thus , a new game of chance and whimsy entered the scene : The Wheel of Danger .
The Wheel of Danger is a small , game-showstyle spinning wheel , with each zone tied to a sealed envelope holding outcomes of all kinds . At different middle school gatherings the Student Leadership Team ( SLT ) acts on behalf of the student body , spinning the wheel with anticipation and delight .
Dr . Miley and his team develop ideas to add spontaneity and surprise into the game — ranging from comfy dress days , ice cream parties , advisory competitions , scavenger hunts , stunts for teachers , and even a one-time skip class and play outside pass . The silliness and suspense to spinning the wheel is seen and heard from every student ( and teacher ), and the span of excitement across each grade is a refreshingly unifying force for something so oftentimes overlooked in the middle school years : play .
The middle school years hold pivotal developmental leaps for young students as they learn to manage coursework , think critically and independently , find their own voice , and navigate new social waters . To leave the value of play behind in the lower school years is remiss .

Whether it ’ s math class , impromptu scavenger hunts , or The Wheel of Danger , we desire to show these students that Our God is a God of laughter , a God of joy , a God who sees them and smiles .

Dr . Miley and his team understand the power of unstructured , “ carefree ” play as crucial to building connections and bolstering socialemotional health in a developmental period where pressure , anxiety , and distractedness abounds . This game is a small but mighty community builder working between curricular pursuits like an agent of unexpected joy . And witnessing middle schoolers give each other permission to fully participate in the Wheel of Danger hype is special .
“ The name inscribed on the front of the middle school is Civitas , which is Latin for community . While they grow academically in leaps and bounds , what students will truly remember when they reflect on their time in Civitas Hall is how they felt . We strive for our students to have as many opportunities to be celebrated or be heroes in front of their community . We want their “ I remember when …” to be full of God ’ s richness , kindness , and goodness ,” says Dr . Miley .
Whether it ’ s math class , impromptu scavenger hunts , or The Wheel of Danger , we desire to show these students that Our God is a God of laughter , a God of joy , a God who sees them and smiles .
16 PURPLE & GOLD FALL 2023-24