CPA Magazine 2021 | Page 15

walk in faith beyond the CPA campus . The team aims to equip students with an understanding that God is both the starting point and central focus of how the Church is to live .
A new curriculum in the lower school ensures that by the end of fifth grade , students will have read and discussed the majority of the Bible , including many parts of the Bible and Old Testament that typically get overlooked in children ’ s ministry . The Spiritual Life team carefully selected a mapping of Scripture to maximize both exposure to God ’ s Word and student engagement . The curriculum , Investigating God ’ s Word , is written by PCA pastor and counselor Dr . John Kwansy , and it maps out readings and lessons meticulously for each grade . Kindergartners supplement class discussions with the New City Catechism , giving them doctrinal fluency to build upon when they enter middle school .
An undercurrent of apologetics for students PS-12 is at work , an intention set by David , Beth , and Arneal as they prepare students of all ages for a personal relationship with God and a public walk of faith . Presuppositional apologetics operates by the understanding that one cannot make sense of the world without the absolute truth that it was created by an omniscient , all-loving

The Academy believes that all of life and learning is ultimately spiritual and there exists no bifurcation between the sacred and the secular .

God . This truth begins in preschool , as young students learn that God makes all things and revel in the wonder of God ’ s intricate creation . Beth leads weekly preschool Chapels and Bible lessons to supplement students ’ daily Bible time with teachers . Part of her approach is to engage children in Scriptural truth by using all the senses via song , movement , props , etc .
In the lower school , the new Bible curriculum weaves in apologetics-aimed questions with the goal of helping young students consider deep or challenging concepts involved in a growing relationship with the Lord . Some of these questions include , “ Does God love you more when you are good ?” “ What does sin deserve ?” or “ Why is walking with God so difficult ?”
Teachers are seeing improvement on how students handle and make sense of some of the Bible ’ s most complex and nuanced passages .
Upper school teachers Andrea Denton , Luke Paiva , Rachel Roper , and Sally Mills have a passion for bringing critical questioning to the teenage context . Encouraging students to grapple with challenging cultural conversations , empowering them to use critical thinking alongside the power of the gospel , and giving them safe space to process what they don ’ t immediately understand – these are all part of a healthy approach in the classroom . Chapel has also come under the guidance of the Spiritual Life team , so that students have multiple venues for growth and engagement . Whether hearing Scripture taught in Chapel , or watching a relevant movie clip in advisory , the curricular objectives are always at work , creating an environment ripe for a strong Christian worldview .
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