CPA Magazine 2021 | Page 14


A Vertically Aligned PS-12 Bible Curriculum

Spiritual Life at CPA is central to all curricula , programming , administration , student , and family life of the school . The Academy believes that all of life and learning is ultimately spiritual and there exists no bifurcation between the sacred and the secular .
“ The Bible of the triune God is the epistemological and interpretive lens through which we teach , learn , and evaluate in all aspects of life at CPA . It is through this lens that students come to know God . From a pedagogical standpoint , discovery in the English classroom , the soccer field , the Chemistry lab , the stage , the gym , is all reflective of Christ . The message of Christ ( the gospel ) is delivered in the method of Christ ( the pedagogy ) through the manner of Christ ( compassion , kindness , and humility ),” says Pastor of Theology and Discipleship Rev . Dr . David Filson .
David ’ s blend of theological acumen , pastoral approachability , and credibility make him an instrumental role in advancing the Spiritual Life of the Academy . His work and that of the spiritual life team encompasses everything from aligning PS-12 Bible curriculum to enriching Chapel ministry and resourcing families , students , faculty , and staff . He is joined by Assistant Head of Spiritual Life Beth Graham and Pastor of Discipleship and
Cross-Cultural Mission Rev . Arneal Strain . The team ’ s blend of instructional prowess and passion for Scripture motivates a unique and intentional alignment for curriculum and programming in all four schools .
The 2020-21 school year saw restructured Bible courses in the upper school , a new Bible curriculum in the lower school , and steps forward in an apologetics undercurrent for PS-12 .
Upper school Bible students begin a three-semester Theology study with the new text , Foundations of the Christian Faith , by James Montgomery Boice . Each freshman student takes Theology 1 and 2 the first two semesters in upper school , ideally leading into the study of apologetics , followed by Theology 3 . This sequencing gives students a firm foundational understanding of the Biblical text , preparing them for the interactive class experiences held in Biblical Ethics and Covenant Family .
In transitioning to presuppositional apologetics , US students now study from two new texts : Confronting Christianity : 12 Hard Questions for the World ’ s Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin and Why Should I Believe Christianity by James N . Anderson . The development from this class is critical for students to be able to
14 PURPLE & GOLD 2020-21