There is a busy calendar of events to look forward to in 2014. Regular
highlights include the J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island
Race in June and Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week at the
beginning of August. In addition, this year we are looking forward to the
increasingly popular Cowes Classics Week in July, and an exciting, new
International Etchells Invitational Cup which is attracting some of the
world’s top racing yachtsmen from countries around the globe. Cowes
Harbour Commissioners have agreed to support this new event with the
provision of moorings and services as part of our stakeholder dividend
policy to attract new events to Cowes.
I would like to thank the team that continues to manage and run the
harbour, including the nine volunteer and unremunerated Commissioners,
the members of the Advisory Committee, and our dedicated and
professional staff, who are the public face of the harbour.
Finally, for further information on Cowes Harbour and its two towns,
please do vis