COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 7

Ramadaan Challenge for you: From Naadira Chhipa When you refrain from eating that delicious food this Ramadaan also try to refrain from eating the flesh of your brother or sister, no backbiting. When you refrain from drinking a glass of cold water this Ramadaan also try to refrain from drinking from the dark well of envy and fiery jealousy. When you refrain form sexual intercourse with your spouse this Ramadaan also refrain from gazing as well as watching indecent videos and pictures on your phone. When you refrain from listening to music this Ramadaan also refrain from eavesdropping as well as listening to gossip and slander of another brother or sister. When you refrain from watching your favourite series this Ramadaan also refrain from observing , spying and broadcasting the faults of others. When you refrain from dressing provocatively, shaving off your beard and exposing your hair as well as other body parts this Ramadaan also refrain from intermingling with your boyfriend, girlfriend and non mahrams in general. When you refrain from going to parties, clubs, movies and entertainment areas this Ramadaan also refrain from being idle, bored and time wasting. When you refrain from swearing and using ill words this Ramadaan also refrain from impatience and anger. When you refrain from your favourite morning coffee or tea this Ramadaan also refrain from complaining, moaning and lethargic behaviour. When you refrain from consuming interest money this Ramadaan also refrain from being stingy with regards to charity. When you refrain from giving into your nafs this Ramadaan also refrain from hurting and insulting others. When you refrain from all things haraam also refrain from pride, arrogance, haughtiness, negativity, slander, gossip, impatience, ingratitude, ridicule, discrimination and hate. If we can refrain from so much this Ramadaan let us raise our hands and beg Allah to assist us to continue this spirit throughout the year and throughout our lives Insha Allah. May Allah illuminate our heart ,mind and soul with the noor of taqwah and rahmah as we enter the blessed month of Ramadaan.May there be unity, barakaah, love, peace, happiness and light in every heart and every home. Insha Allah Ameen. 7