COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 6

A Dua on the First of Ramadaan :

By Naadira Chhipa
To the widow who is experiencing her first Ramadaan alone . I know the pain stabs at your heart as you remember the last Ramadaan that past . The memories and love of those beautiful years spent together will always be in your heart . You will remember him at every Suhoor and every Iftaar , you will remember him with every bite of food you eat as you recall his favourites . You will remember him in his Kurta getting ready to leave for taraweeh . You will always remember him until Allah reunites you with him in the gardens of Jannah . May Allah grant you ease
and peace . Ameen . To the sister who is experiencing her first
Ramadaan after nikkah . I know you are nervous and you want to make sure your loving husband and his family are pleased with you , so you try to do your best to accommodate and make everybody comfortable , even though you feel a little ' out of place ' or nervous . Remember , Allah has blessed you with a house which you will make a home and a wonderful husband who acknowledges your efforts and is grateful to Allah for you . May Allah grant you warmth , acceptance , unity , peace , love , barakaah and happiness within your marriage and your home . Ameen .
To the sister who was recently divorced . This will be a very difficult first Ramadaan after your divorce . You may still be angry , disturbed and hurt yet you will heal . This month will heal your body , mind and soul . Allah will bless you with peace and happiness again . The sun will shine once again giving you hope , warmth and light in your life . Be strong and soldier on . May Allah grant you ease , happiness , hope and strength . Ameen .
To the mother who lost her child . This Ramadaan will be one of many tears , unfulfilled hopes and dreams . You will feel empty and alone but remember Allah knows and he is closer to you than your jugular vein so take comfort in that . Allah is with you at all times and your little one is awaiting your arrival in Jannah , eternal bliss . May Allah grant your heart patience , hope , strength and comfort . Ameen .
To the brother who lost his family in a car crash recently . You are still in state of shock and disbelief as you wake up alone for suhoor and search the house for those warm smiles and noisy laughter . Your tears do no justice as you cannot understand why your wife and three children were taken from you within a blink of an eye . Allah sees your tears and knows your fears . Allah has your place reserved in a beautiful home in Jannah with your family . Take comfort and seek refuge in the love of Allah for this world is temporary . Ameen .
To the elderly parents who are alone as their children have moved out and have lives of their own . I know you feel lonely and the quite house haunts your heart but remember that you are blessed to have each other and Allah is with you every step of the way . You may yearn for those days and years that were chaotic and busy as you were raising your children but now it is your time to reconnect with your creator and immerse yourself in ibaadah . May Allah grant you barakah , mercy , peace , contentment and happiness . Ameen .
To those people who are burdened by huge debts , to those people who are in financial crisis and to those people who are sleeping on the cold pavements this Ramadaan . Remember Allah tests those he loves the most , you may have nothing in this world but everything in the hereafter . May Allah grant you barakah , ease , peace and mercy . Ameen .
To all those brothers and sisters who are sick and ailing this Ramadaan . May Allah grant you complete shifa of the body , mind and soul . May all your sins be washed away with every pain you suffer . Ameen .
To the world this Ramadaan . Remember all your brothers , sisters and the entire Ummah as you raise your hands and make dua . Remember to be kind , generous and caring to your family as well as those you meet for you know not of the internal battles they fight . May Allah grant you happiness , peace , barakaah and mercy in this blessed month of Ramadaan and for the rest of your life in this world and the hereafter . Ameen .