COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 23

If you are open to more change in your breakfast menu then why not try this “Shakshuka” meal I prepared last Eid. Shakshuka is a Middle Eastern dish made with eggs poached with cooked tomatoes and spices. It really is delicious and a great way to have a power packed breakfast. Here is my recipe – Shakshuka • • • • • • • • • 3 medium tomatoes liquidized with a little water. In a pot, add tomato mixture and cook on medium heat till thick. In a non stick frying pan add 2 tablespoons coconut oil and heat up. Add: 1/2 tsp. fine cumin Sprinkle of whole cumin 1/2 tsp. red chillie powder 1/4 tsp. green masala Salt to taste. 23