COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 14

SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES By : Faheema Sahib There's merely a few days left before there's clunking of cutlery way before dawn and sizzling oil at dusk - the few moments before thirst is quenched, hunger satisfied and repentance accepted by His Will. Yes - The most spiritual month of the year is drawing closer! Can you feel it just yet? We've been scrolling and strolling through home industry businesses for the past month to bring you a special feature for this bumper issue. Get reading and get those fingers twiddling to prepare for Ramadhaan and Eid 2018 in style! Three dynamic small businesses share their beginning and successes with us……. 1. I've always been somewhat of an entrepreneur. From a young age I had a creative niche and would try my hand at making various crafty things. Friends and family were impressed and would always spur me on to make some pocket money from selling my creations. I dabbled in henna and mostly handcrafted items and costume jewellery. 2. Creativity comes in various ways and forms. Sometimes it's a random thought that pop into my head. Sometimes its accidental and I meant to do something totally different and the outcome resulted in something better than I anticipated. And most often times its drawing inspiration from Social media, international trends and things that I've come across in my travels, interactions and surroundings. 3. Not many people know this but our current brand identity has multiple meaning. "Sweet" because my name starts with the letter "S" and even though we do sweet and savoury we most often do sweet and "eSque" • /esk/ - like "picturesque" - note the capital in the second letter as opposed to the first, again to emphasise the the letter "S" in my name. 4. To bring unique and interesting things so people can share in my