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1. Know exactly where your money is going and why Take a pen and a pocket size notebook, write down every single thing you spend on, no matter how insignificant you may think it is. As you go through the month keep adding on, you will definitely remember expenses you didn’t even notice you were paying for. With this exercise you may find that you are able to save easily in certain areas, and you may utilise these funds to pay off your debt quicker. 2. Food & Household Items Instead of buying takeaways, make your own sandwiches at home or cook a bit extra the night before and take that for lunch. You could also try to cook bulk meals on the weekends that can be frozen in meal-sized containers. Shopping for groceries is much cheaper when purchased in bulk. Planning of your meals, may take a little bit of effort but you can reduce your grocery costs quite substantially, and you will also be more organised during meal times. 3. Lift clubs and travelling Lift clubs are a great way to decrease your petrol spending. Create lift clubs for work and kids schooling trips. If you are not a fan of lift clubs, try planning your trips to work, school, shopping etc., so that it incorporates several tasks at once. Perhaps use the saving on petrol to increase the instalment payment on your vehicle and pay it off quicker.