Crafter + Mogford Golf Strategies were engaged by Green Acres Golf Club in July 2013 to prepare a Course Master Plan. This
followed an on-course inspection by Paul Mogford on Monday 5th August 2013 together with Club representatives including; Club
Captain Mr Brian Wasley, General Manager Mr Peter Busch and Superintendent Mr Mat Poultney. The inspection entailed the
walking of each of the holes where general discussion took place regarding the opportunities and constraints of each hole as well
as practice areas and the like. Following this the Club issued their ‘Course Master Plan – Back Ground & Overview’ document
dated October 2013.
Principals Neil Crafter and Paul Mogford undertook a detailed inspection on the 5th and 6th of September 2013. Our visit began
with a brief meeting with Club representatives to discuss the Master Plan process and methodology. Paul again inspected the
course on Wednesday 11th of December to discuss preliminary recommendations and review some particular areas of detail.
Our discussions begin with an overview of the greens, tees, bunkers, analysis of course length and par as well as a review of
current practice facilities. This is then followed by our review of each hole where we have noted a general description of hole, and
where appropriate, include relevant items under separate headings of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
With regard to implementation of the Course Master Plan, on Page 15 we discuss the proposed priorities for implementation of the
works. To this end we have listed the ‘Top 12’ projects. It is envisaged that these projects would be executed over several years as
funds permit.
We commend the Club on their passion and commitment to this task. As a result it is our opinion that the following report
represents a thorough and comprehensive ‘road map’ for the future enhancement of Green Acres Golf Course.
We look forward to being a part of the successful implementation of the recommendations contained in this report and are
confident such measures will reinforce Green Acres’ high standing in golf in Victoria.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Mogford
Above: The new 17th hole under construction at
The Barwon Heads Golf Club, viewed from rear
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