Course Description Handbook Course Description Handbook 2013/14 | Page 46

APGOV AP Comparative Government and Politics 1 credit year long Elective The AP course in Comparative Government and Politics introduces students to fundamental concepts used by political scientists to study the processes and outcomes of politics in a variety of country settings. The course aims to illustrate the rich diversity of political life, to show available institutional alternatives, to explain differences in processes and policy outcomes, and to communicate to students the importance of global political and economic changes. Comparison assists both in identifying problems and in analyzing policy making. For example, we only know that a country has a high population growth rate or serious corruption when we compare it to other countries. Careful comparison of political systems produces useful knowledge about the institutions and policies countries have employed to address problems, or, indeed, what they have done to make things worse. We can compare the effectiveness of policy approaches to poverty or overpopulation by examining how different countries solve similar problems. Furthermore, by comparing the political institu [??[??X?X?\???X[H[?????[??Y\??H?[??Y?[??[?\??[?H?]X?[???\]Y[??\???X???ZX??[ X?Z[???[?[K??\\?\??\??\??^[?][???H\?H??YH??[??Y\??X?B?[[??X?Y\?[????\????H?X[?H[[??X?Y\?]?H?[YHZ[?\?\??[??XY??\?Y[????\?\]Z\?]\??]?X??]H\??[?[\?[?X?[Y[?\??\??Y[???S??[???B???H?Y]??[X?]?B??\???\??H?[[???X?H?Y[???H[????Z[?[?[?K[?[Y[??[?Y]?????\?\??[???H???H[??Y[?[Y\??H?\?[? ??H?[^[Z[?HH?[?[Y[?[??[\?]?[???\??]?HX[?] \??[\?H?\?[?\?\??X?\?[?\??[Y[??^H]?H\?Y ???Y[???[?X??YH?[Z[X\??]H\?Z[????H\?Y[?[???X?[\???\??KX\??X??]B?\??X?[]?[?Y[??H\??\[?K[?]?[?Z\?????[???[???X?[\??[Y[?][????\?\]Z\?]\????Y]??????X[??Y[??H[?]H\??[?[\??P????X????B???H?Y]??[X?]?B??\???\??H?[[???X?H?Y[??[?HXZ???[??\\?? N][? ??[?\?H?X????X?[??Y? ??\?[???]??]Y[?H]H N 8?&\?[????Y[???]HZ?\??[?\?[\?[???[X[H?\??\??Y[???[?Z[?H??Y[?\??[?[????X????H[???]\?\?Y[??\YY[??\????^K???\?\]Z\?]\????Y]??????X[??Y[??H[?]H\??[?[\?? ???