Experimental Science
½ credit semester
Grades 11 & 12
The course focuses on the application of scientific principles in a project based learning environment.
Projects may include but are not limited to biodiesel production, solar generators, organic batteries,
Rube Goldberg machines, and rocketry.
Current Events in Science
½ credit semester
Grades 11 & 12
In this course, students will explore how science, technology, and society are related, and how major
historical events in science have shaped the world we live in today. Students will use science in the
news as a way to explore and understand scientific concepts, their historical significance, and the ways
science and technology affect a society’s lifestyles, culture, and values.
Advanced Placement Biology
1 credit year long
Grade 12
A college level, lecture-based course addressing all major topics in the biological sciences: cells,
genetics, evolution, plants, animals, humans, and ecology. This course is very demanding and is
suggested for all students expecting to attend college. Students enrolled may take the AP Biology
exam allowing them to be eligible for up to five college credits. Due to the offering of this course at
Johnson Creek High School no college/university beginning biology courses will be approved by the
Johnson Creek School Board.