Introduction to Music Theory
½ credit semester
Grades 9 - 12
This course explores the basics behind what music works. Students will learn how to read and write
music, play keyboard, basic chord structure, and recording techniques. These skills will help anyone
interested in music, whether they enjoy just listening to the radio, are in a band, or plan to pursue a
career in music.
Advanced Music Theory
½ credit semester
Grades 10 - 12
A more intense and in-depth look at Music Theory, the goal of this class is to prepare students who are
interested in pursu [??H?\?Y\?[?]\?X?[????X?H??HT]\?X?[?H\????\?[???B??\??[??YHY?[??Y?????\??[????[?\??[?[?\??[??Y??[??[??[???YH]\?X?\??K???\?\]Z\?]N?[???X?[??]\?X?[?H?\??H[?H\?????