Additional Fees: Some classes will require outside projects for which parents will provide the
necessary supplies. Classroom teachers will communicate this to you.
Health Decisions
1/2 credit semester
Course will provide students with accurate information, which they can utilize to develop healthy
attitudes and behavior patterns. Critical thinking and decision making skills are taught and practiced
throughout the course as students are encouraged to recognize that they have the power to choose
healthy behaviors in order to reduce risks. The topics covered include mental health (personality, selfesteem, stress management, mental disorders, and suicide), family and social health (healthy
relationships, violence prevention, sexuality, and diversity), human growth and development
(reproduction, pregnancy, and birth), nutrition, fitness, substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, and tobacco),
disease and disorders (infectious diseases, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, noninfectious diseases,
and disabilities), consumer and personal health, personal safety, and community and environmental
Physical Education 9-12
1/2 credit semester
Grades 9 – 12 (Required)
Emphasis is being placed on lifetime activities that will enable the student diverse learning experiences
to be used after graduation. Co-ed, individual and team activities will be taught. Grading will be
based on evaluation of student's knowledge of subject matter through written and skill tests as well as
written assignments. Also, participation, sportsmanship, attendance and wearing of proper uniform
will be considered. All injuries must be reported to the instructor. The graduation requirements are
one and one-half credit.
Bigger, Faster, Stronger
1/2 credit semester
Grades 9 – 12
This course is for students who want to work on weight lifting training. Emphasis is placed on the
weight lifting aspect of lifelong fitness. Students will be entered into the Bigger, Faster, Stronger
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