Course Description Handbook 2014-2015 Rev.2 | Page 7

Starting with the graduating class of 2017 in conjunction with the Laude Recognition process, the GPA calculation will be determined by multiplying cumulative student GPA at the end of the 1st semester of the senior year by the total number of advanced courses taken throughout four years of high school. I. Laude Recognition Process Beginning with the graduating class of 2017, Johnson Creek High School implemented a student achievement recognition process based on the Laude system. Students eligible for the Laude system will be recognized using the criteria outlined below. Students will be eligible for the Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude or Cum Laude recognition by multiplying their grade point average at the end of the first semester of their senior year times the total number of advanced classes taken throughout their four years in high school. Examples: 3.4 x 4 = Cum Laude 3.7 x 6 = Magna Cum Laude 3.8 x 8 = Summa Cum Laude Ranges for each recognition: Cum Laude 13.6 to 22.1 Magna Cum Laude 22.2 to 30.3 Summa Cum Laude Greater than 30.3 Youth Apprenticeships, Youth Options, and Independent Studies will be considered on an individual student basis and through an approval process. Courses that are one semester in duration only will count as a 0.5 in the calculation for the Laude recognition. 7 Table of Contents