Courier January Courier | Page 8

FROM THE EDITOR Bob Rouse Editor 101 Prosperous Place, Suite 350 Lexington, KY 40509 USA +1.859.264.6548 [email protected] I RECEIVED A WALL CALENDAR in the mail. A printed calendar from a manufacturing company. In a large envelope with stamps. That’s only slightly more modern than a triceratops driving up to NTA headquarters in an Edsel. Don’t get me wrong; I really like printed, mailed material—magazines, for example. But most of my correspondence comes via email these days. My calendars, too, operate in the electronic realm (magically synced, at that). So the arrival of a ginormous printed calendar delivered by snail mail is an anomaly. But it’s a welcome one. It means that 2017 is really here. I can hold it in my hands. I can turn the pages and see what day my birthday lands on this year. (Easter Sunday, whaddya know?) I can flip through the months and look up family birthdays and anniversaries; I can check on the major holidays. Yep, all the familiar dates are there. And each month is topped with a giant picture of an event or landmark or scene somewhere in the Midwestern U.S. I hadn’t heard of the Lions Club Car Show and Swap Meet in Morris, Illinois (August), nor of the “patriotic bears” standing woodenly along Route 36 in central Missouri (July—natch). But I know about new years. I know the opportunities they bring. And the hope for happy days and moonlit nights. 2017 will be a big year for NTA. Two editions of Travel Exchange, right? The first one is in St. Louis (as we might have mentioned along the way). You know it’s coming, but you’re sure to learn some new details—and maybe see some old friends—in the special section starting on page 30. You can also gather some tips for successful business appointments; four convention veterans pass along advice on page 20. I’m captivated by the photos of Edinburgh in the City Spotlight, assembled by Gabe Webb, starting on page 26. And the section on the U.S. West that Pat Henderson put together—starting on page 56—makes me want to hop in the car and head out. Before I go, I’ll need to check my new calendar. And if I do drive west, I need to find those Missouri bears holding flags out there on Route 36. Happy 2017, January Courier Destination Index Alaska 22, 63, 66 Massachusetts 22 Arizona 24–25, 75 Michigan 74 California 62, 67 Nevada 56 England 68 New York 74 Ireland 68 Oregon 58 Kansas 75 Scotland 26–28, 68 Kentucky 23 Washington 60–61, 64–65 4 January 2017 On the cover: “The Runner” strides in front of the Old Courthouse and the Gateway Arch in downtown St. Louis, site of Travel Excha