Courier January Courier | Page 26

Alaska ’ s alluring arts
Boston ’ s 19th-century revolutionaries

Alaska ’ s alluring arts

Little did the organizers of Jazz Festival ’ 80 realize that their week-long musical celebration would eventually blossom into one of Alaska ’ s top creative arts events , the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival .
The multifaceted festival , which will take place July 16 – 30 , brings a broad spectrum of artists to the area for concerts , performances , workshops and classes . Across the two weeks , attendees can take part in programming that showcases music , dance , theater , comedy , writing , the culinary world , the healing arts and more .
One of the unique aspects of the event is the role the workshops and classes play in reaching its mission of further engaging participants — both by nurturing their artistic abilities and by fostering a deeper appreciation of the arts . To accomplish that , hundreds of educational seminars are offered , ranging from one-hour sessions to full-day and multi-day options . The performances feature both internationally renowned entertainers and top local artists . Special culinary events also are held , including the popular Taste of Festival night .
Call + 1.907.474.8869 or visit fsaf . org to find out more .

Boston ’ s 19th-century revolutionaries

The Boston African American National Historic Site showcases the rich history of the city ’ s African-American community during the 1800s . Centered on the north slope of Beacon Hill in downtown Boston , one particular neighborhood gave rise to a number of leaders of the city and nation ’ s fight against slavery and injustice . During a visit to this National Park Service site , travelers can learn more about these courageous men and women who championed the abolition movement , the Civil War , the Underground Railroad and other causes related to equal rights and educational opportunities for African Americans .
Visitors can follow the Black Heritage Trail , which connects 14 significant attractions around Beacon Hill . Along the trail , park rangers offer narration about places such as the Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial , the George Middleton House , Abiel Smith School and the African Meeting House .
Throughout the year , seminars and other special programs are offered on a variety of topics related to the African American movement from the 19th century to the present .
To learn more , go to nps . gov / boaf or call + 1.617.742.5415 .
22 January 2017