Courier January Courier | Page 25

to match appointments perfectly, and this starts at home. The appointment system puts all my appointments on one day, so it’s important to fill the open spots and other days with additional appointments that I make before leaving for TREX. Jaffa: You can learn from any interaction, and over the years I have experienced business coming from the most unlikely situations. Focus on building the relationship and finding common interests. Project enthusiasm and interest. Folks like to offer advice, so you might ask, “If you were me trying to promote my organization, what might you do?” Or: “Do you have any input about my presentation?” “Based on your research, your sales speech should emphasize what is important to the tour operator.” when you can find most of the information on the internet or their online profile. Based on your research, your sales speech should emphasize what is important to the tour operator. If you see that all of their hotels are downtown, you should emphasize the fact that you are downtown. (If you are, of course!) And then mention what attractions are close to the hotel. Utpatel: You have seven minutes to present yourself and what you have to offer. With walking, welcome, introduction and good-bye, it leaves three to four minutes for your actual presentation. The only path to success is to stay focused and not waste time with anything else. Get rid of your coat; don’t carry it around. Drink your coffee before going to the appointment. Have your handouts handy. Smile. Jaffa: Do your homework and understand the tour operators’ needs the best you can. Ask questions and build rapport. Personalize your pitch and follow up. Make the most of the wonderful opportunities NTA provides, and remember to seize the opportunity: When you meet folks, try to make a good impression and exchange business cards, whether it’s in an appointment, at a seminar, on the coach or at a social event. Listen, make notes and find ways to connect. “You can learn from any interaction, and over the years I have experienced business coming from the most unlikely situations.” —Tom Jaffa Williams: Do your research and ask a question or two about their business so that you may tailor your sales pitch. This saves time (and embarrassment) and helps create a more authentic conversation that could continue after the appointment and into networking events. —Chantal Cardinal Cardinal: If the operator is not coming to your area, not much can be done. However, you can ask why they are not coming to your town. Have they been? Do they know it well? Sometimes, before selling your hotel, you need to sell the destination. If the product is not what they are looking for, you thank them for their time and go. It’s not good to drag out a meeting for nothing. Williams: As a DMO, we consider everyone a potential visitor who can enjoy the experiences only available in Huntsville, Alabama. So if an appointment at Travel Exchange is a mismatch for an operator’s group business, I try to have a conversation to encourage them to visit personally with family and friends. What other tips do you have that can help members make the most of their business appointments at Travel Exchange? Cardinal: Be prepared. Know everything the tour operators do: Where are they are going? And if they package your city, where are they staying and what are they doing? Often, you lose a lot of time trying to get to know the company Let Us Help you Plan the Perfect Southwest Colorado Tour A Dozen Vacations in one destination™ GET YOUR FREE TRAVEL PLANNER TODAY • WWW.DURANGO.ORG • 866.631.7013 21