County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 38

Jefferson County President, Alabama Association of Emergency Managers A The Legislative Committee of the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers met with the ACCA policy team in Montgomery on Sept. 27. This successful meeting was the first step in preparing for the coming legislative session and illustrated the close working relationship between the two groups. Issues of interest to the AAEM and ACCA were discussed at length; these will be shared with the AAEM membership in order to keep them well-informed throughout the months ahead. Each county in Alabama has an EMA director; an interesting fact is that we have several new faces due to retirements. The AAEM is working to help educate the new directors on a wide variety of topics, including pending legislation. In addition, the AAEM has added a Higher Education Caucus (composed of members from universities, colleges and community colleges across the state) and a Healthcare Coalition Caucus, and AAEM will be adding an additional caucus to represent our many volunteers. Each of these groups has legislative interest; the close relationship between the ACCA and AAEM will help keep everyone up to date as the session approaches. If I can assist emergency managers in any way, please don’t hesitate to message me at [email protected]. 38 | NOVEMBER 2019 A While we will not be asking legislators to introduce any bills on our behalf in 2020, the 9-1-1 districts are united in recommending a couple of items for the 2020 Mobile County President, Alabama Alabama County Platform. In recent Association of years, our group has enjoyed working 9-1-1 Districts together for the common goal of delivering great 9-1-1 service throughout the state. We stand ready to mobilize our efforts to work with ACCA if legislation is introduced that is not favorable to delivering that same level of service. Please feel free to reach out to me ([email protected]) or your local director with any questions about what is going on in 9-1-1. Charlie McNichol A One of my top priorities this year is emphasizing common ground among CROAA members. In any group of people, you always have Madison County different personality types, which will President, County result in looking at any issue from Revenue Officers different viewpoints. This diversity Association of Alabama of viewpoints is what gives CROAA strength. So, although we may not always have 100% agreement on an issue, we need to listen to the various opinions and ideas. To speak with One Voice, we must value the opinions of all our members so that we can find the best path forward. Our Legislative Committee meeting with ACCA staff back in September was a good example of that. Finding common ground will allow us to present a united front as we move into the coming legislative session, and I encourage CROAA members to contact me ([email protected]) if I can ever be of assistance. Terisa Lang Detention Facilities E-911 Call Centers Office Buildings Courthouses 334.265.8781 designed Jim Coker