County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 37

Voices from the County Family Q The passage of the Rebuild Alabama Act shows what can be achieved when an affiliate group is strategic and organized. What do you intend to do to bring your group together for the 2020 Legislative Session? A The Association of County Administrators of DeKalb County Alabama is probably President, the most diverse affiliate Association of County group. Our members Administrators of come from a wide variety Alabama of backgrounds. Some of us start out as clerks in an office of the courthouse and move our way up over many years; others come from business backgrounds that are far removed from local government. And there are some of us — like myself — who come from the ranks of the Examiners of Public Accounts. We are about 60% female and 40% male. Racially, our rates match up pretty close to the state population. The counties in Alabama are all different, and the duties that each of us have vary significantly, but the one thing we have in common is that we are each members of the County Family, and we rely on one another for advice. Almost 40% of our Administrators have less than 5 years on the job, so the challenges and opportunities we have as an affiliate group are great. I plan on engaging the ACAA as we near the 2020 Legislative Session with the goals of the ACCA, particularly those that have an impact on county administrators. Also, I hope to demonstrate how important the ACCA and ACAA are to them and their counties. If I can be of any help to administrators throughout the state, email is the best way to reach me ([email protected]). Matt Sharp A The passage of the Rebuild Alabama Act was a monumental and historic accomplishment for Alabama counties, and it would have been impossible without a combined effort from so many — the ACCA, ACEA and other affiliate groups. With that being said, 2019 is Geneva County slowly fading in the rearview mirror, and engineers know that we have President, Association a duty to implement Rebuild Alabama successfully. A bipartisan group of County Engineers of 111 legislators voted to increase transportation funding, and going of Alabama forward, the County Family’s credibility at the Statehouse will rise or fall depending on how we deliver. Knowing the committed and dedicated county engineers around the state, I am certain that we can succeed. Our group’s plans for the 2020 Legislative Session are already underway. Our Legislative Committee has met and noted important issues and bills that could be beneficial or detrimental to county government and engineers. We will continue to converse, all the while communicating with ACCA staff. As president, I will be a conduit for important information to our membership, and I encourage members to contact me if I can be of service (justinbarfield@ We look forward to a positive and beneficial 2020 Legislative Session. Justin Barfield COUNTY COMMISSION | 37