County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 3

in this issue VOLUME 63, NUMBER 4 from the cover... Ivey’s Outstanding Contribution to County Government..........................................................13 ACCA Honors Shelby County’s Dudchock.......................16 New Web Resources.........................................................18 Dale County Honored for Improving EMS.........................21 Liability Fund Gives Safety Awards...................................24 news you can use... us give our best to each other and this Association, says 2019-2020 President David Money. (Photo: Jay Hare) Statement of Ownership, Management & Circulation As of September 2019 - County Commission Published 4 times a year Association of County Commissions of Alabama PO Box 5040, Montgomery AL 36103 Sonny Brasfield Abby Fitzpatrick Sallie Owen Gowan Circulation - Average of preceding 12 months Number of copies ordered Paid circulation (mail) Free Distribution Total Distribution Office Use Grand Total Rebuild Alabama: Big Impact in 2020...............................11 Getting Ready for Goat Hill................................................33 In Profile: Vice President Dean Calvert..............................31 point of view... County government makes progress only when each and every one of Publisher Editor Managing Editor 1,500 1,463 0 1,463 37 1,550 COUNTY COMMISSION is published four times a year by the Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Inc.; P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. Subscription rates are $20 per year, which is included in the dues of members. Additional copies, when available, are $2 each to non-members. Peri- odicals postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. Postmaster: Send address changes to COUNTY COMMISSION; P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. USPS 985-380 President’s Perspective ..................................................4 We are all called to service The County Line ...............................................................6 New challenges are always looming for counties in every issue... Family Album...................................................................34 Voices from the County Family ....................................37 who we are... 2019-2020 ACCA Board of Directors................................42 ACCA Staff.........................................................................42